4th bimester coming to an end

No effects yet, but there's always a crybaby at the last days of school... no offense.

Why, would you look at that - it's already the ninth day of November. This year was pretty long. General opinions about the year were "it's okay". Probably because there wasn't really anything, you know, NEW about it. Just chemistry, biology, and physics. Oh and also the nations thing, but let's be honest, we're just doing for better grades and the pizza party in which we probably WON'T EVEN GET...

But if I had to rate this year, it's a... oh, let's say a 4 out of 5. It was DEFINITIVELY not bad. Teachers were pretty nice, one left us, one HAD to leave us, and there were a lot more cases of teachers not coming to school than usual. And I won't even BEGIN talking about the girl that missed 3 bimesters in a row. What's up with that?

It's pretty comparable to a rollercoaster, since, well, this year was slightly different from the fifth grade. Oh, and did I mention the girl that forgot her glasses for months straight? You know who I'm talking about.

There are a lot of people who I personally think definitively want December to come, but there are some people who will be here December. Good luck to them, I guess. But to those who won't, what will you be doing at the Christmas break? Will you go on vacation? (Spoiler alert, I think I will.) Leave your opinions below on the comments... oh wait... there aren't any comment sections in this website. Sigh.